Service Welfare Office (SWO) is among the five Office Organs in the Office of the Head of the Civil Service of the Federation (OHCSF). The Office (SWO) is the main driver of pillar six of the Federal Civil Service Strategies and Implementation Plan 2021-2025 (FCSSIP25), which deals with the enhancement of value proposition for the Nigerian Civil Servants. This Office is headed by a Federal Permanent Secretary. Its major functions include: to promote a safe and convenient work environment, well-being, and provide basic support for Civil Servants, to provide relevant pension information to retired Civil Servants and encourage the continued utilisation of their expertise, in the Federal Civil Service, to create a sustainable interface with retirees of the Civil Service, institutionalise a post-retirement information system and build an environment where they can relate with each other as well as continue to contribute as partners in national development and to facilitate and regulate the provision of improved welfare services to Civil Servants across all MDAs in line with the culture of Accountability, Meritocracy, Productivity, Loyalty and Efficiency (AMPLE) envisioned for the Service, by the Head of the Civil Service of the Federation.

The Office has four (4) Departments, namely: Employee and Industrial Relations (E&IR) Department, Federal Integrated Staff Housing (FISH) Department and Occupational Health, Safety and Environment (OHSE) Department and Insurance Administration Department. Each of the departments work towards enhancing the value proposition of Federal Civil Servants in one way or the other.












  • Affordable housing for Civil Servants
  • Processing of 70 off - takers for housing loan
  • Groundbreaking ceremony of 116 housing units at Gwagwalada



  • Launch of Agriprenuership Programme on 27th March 2023.
  • Training of eighty-seven (87) Civil Servants drawn from four (4) MDAs including the OHCSF in the First batch of the Agriprenuership Programme.
  • Selection of participants for the Second Batch is ongoing and training will commence in the 4th Quarter 2023.

Group Life Assurance

  • Procurement of insurance cover for FG employees service-wide with the payment of premium to the tune of N9 billion, annually.
  • Payment of backlog of death benefits to over 1000 beneficiaries to the tune of a minimum of N2b annually from 2021 to date.
  • Sensitization of Group Life Assurance (GLA) Desk Officers in MDAs Service-wide

Rewards & Recognition

  • R&RS institutionalised in all MDAs
  • 40 nominees Service-Wide were recognized and rewarded in 2022
  • An endowment fund of N500,000 per awardee has been institutionalised in the scheme by AIG Foundation.
  • Donation of an SUV by a private sector partner, won by one of the ten most outstanding awardees through a raffle draw during the 2023 Civil Service Week.
  • A Standing Committee on nomination of awardees Service-Wide has been constituted
  • 43 Officers were recipients of Awards and endowment funds of N500,000 each during the 2023 Civil Service Week.

Salaries and Wages

  • Presidential Committee on Salary Harmonization working to review salaries of Public/Civil Servants to reduce current disparity
  • 40% of Basic salary approved by FEC as peculiar allowance with effect from January 2023
  • Upward Review of Staff Duty Tour Allowance (DTA)

Health and Safety

  • Well-equipped and functional wellness Centre established in OHCSF
  • Creation of Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Desk in MDAs
  • Periodic OSH workshops for officers
  • Renovation of Federal Civil Service (FCS), Clubs in Yaba, Yola and Owerri completed
  • Ongoing renovation of FCS Club Abeokuta
  • The gymnasium in OHCSF is undergoing a facelift
  • Comprehensive health checks provided for staff during the Civil Service Week