FOIA | Office of the Head of Civil Service of the Federation


Section 169 of the 1999 Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria (as amended) created the 'Civil Service of the Federation' in the following words; "there shall be a Civil Service of the Federation". In addition, the appointment of the Head of the Civil Service of the Federation was enshrined in section 171 (1) & (2) (a) thus, "power to appoint persons to hold or act in the offices to which this section applies and to remove persons so appointed from any such office shall vest in the President. The offices to which this section applies are, namely: Head of the Civil Service of the Federation". Therefore, from the provisions of the 1999 Constitution (as amended), the Civil Service of the Federation and the Office of the Head of the Civil Service of the Federation (OHCSF) are legal entities with juristic personalities as administrative machineries for implementing government policies and programmes with diligence and commitment for advancing the welfare and well-being of the citizenry through the judicious use of human, material and financial resources and qualitative service delivery based on observance of the Rule of Law/ Due Process.

The Federal Civil Service under the leadership of the Head of the Civil Service of the Federation recognizes the service as the engine of governance with key contributory roles by the private sector as stakeholders in the development process. In this regard, the OHCSF creates platforms to promote public/ private partnerships in the development of competencies and exchange of professional ideas/ knowledge. It also pursues the capacity development of officers through the efforts of the The Administrative Staff College of Nigeria (ASCON), the Public Service Institute and the Federal Training Centres to harness the staff potentials for self-development and promotion of the common good.

In the pursuit of these objectives as encapsulated in the Vision, Mission and mandate of OHCSF shown below, Government placed the supervision of some Parastatals and Administrative Centres under the OHCSF.