FOIA | Office of the Head of Civil Service of the Federation

Office of the Head of the Civil Service of the Federation

Freedom of Information Act Request Form

To make a request for any useful information from Office of the Head of the Civil Servant of the Federation, use the FORM below

National Identity Card
Permanent Voters Card
Valid Driving License
International Passport
Enter the identity number your ticked above
If Personal request, please enter "Self"
Please describe in detail the agency records being requested

For fee assessment purposes, please select one of the categories of requester below:

Commercial use -- OHCSF will charge the full cost of search, review and duplication
Educational and non-commercial scientific institution -- no charge for search and review, there will be a charge for duplication in excess of 50 pages
Representatives of the news media -- no charge for search and review, there will be a charge for duplication in excess of 50 pages
All other requesters -- full cost of search, review and duplication except that 50 pages of duplication and two hours of professional search time are furnished without charge

Enter the maximum amount of fees that you are willing to pay. (You will be contacted if the estimated charges exceed this amount. Fees estimated by OHCSF that are likely to exceed Ninety Thousand Naira (N90, 000) must be paid in advance.)

Upon request, OHCSF will consider a waiver of fees associated with this request. The request must address how release of the information will benefit the public interest because it is likely to contribute significantly to the public understanding of the operations or activities of the government, how the information will be shared with the public, and that income or other benefits will be not be derived from the use of the information.