The Department of Planning, Analytics and Monitoring (PAM) performs the following functions within its mandate areas for the realization of the global objectives of the Office of the Head of the Civil Service of the Federation (OHCSF) towards an Efficient, Productive, Incorruptible and Citizen-centered (EPIC) Civil Service.

  1. Coordinating the preparation of the Development Plans of the OHCSF as an input into the National Plan;
  2. Coordinating the preparation of the Annual Budget of the OHCSF and Budget Defence
  3. Researching into the internal organization and operations of the OHCSF and advising the HCSF as appropriate
  4. Collecting, analysing, storing and publishing of relevant statistics relating to the mandate of the OHCSF (on quarterly and annual basis);
  5. Monitoring and evaluating Strategic plan/Workplan implementation and activities in the OHCSF (including the implementation of capital projects).
  6. Coordinating the preparation of reports on the implementation of Capital projects, programmes and related activities
  7. Handling of all matters relating to library services of the OHCSF e.g selection and acquisition of relevant information materials such as books, print journals, e-books, e-journals etc.
  8. Managing matters of Joint Commission, Bilateral Agreement and International Relations;
  9. Coordinating matters on relations with multilateral institutions
  10. Preparing Mid-year and Annual Progress Reports on the OHCSF, (now in the form of scorecards)
  11. Coordinating relationship between the OHCSF and the Ministry of Finance, Budget and National Planning (MFB&NP), National Assembly (NASS) and Development Organizations on matters relating to Revenue, Recurrent and Capital Budget of the OHCSF.
  12. Advising the OHCSF on Statistical matters;
  13. Coordinating and collating of Annual Budget Performance Reports.
  14. Coordinating the development and synchronization of Annual work plan for all Agencies, Departments, and Units under the OHCSF
  15. Coordinating matters in relation to the Freedom of Information Act (FoIA) 2011
  16. Coordinating matters on Sustainable Developments Goals (SDGs)
  17. Coordinating the annual Service-Wide Conference of Directors of Planning, Research and Statistics (DPRS) in collaboration with the MFB&NP, New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD) and the SDGs Office.


The Department which is headed by a Director, is structured into three divisions each headed by a Deputy Director. The three divisions are the Planning, Programme & Projects Support (PP&PS), headed by the Deputy Director (PP&PS), the Analytics, Monitoring and Reporting (AM&R) headed by the Deputy Director (AM&R) and the Budget Division, headed by the Deputy Director (Budget). Each of the three Divisions is further divided into branches as follows:

  1. Planning
  2. Analytics
  3. Monitoring and Reporting
  4. Recurrent
  5. Capital

There is the Freedom of Information Act Unit headed by the Deputy Director (AM&R) and also the Library Unit headed by a Chief Library Officer



The staffing of the Department comprises a mix of personnel from different cadres and in different grades. Prominent among the cadres are Administrative, Statistician, Librarian, Executive Officer, Secretaries and Clerical Officercadres.


  • Successful establishment of the Freedom of Information Act(FoIA) 2011 unit in the OHCSF, domiciled in the PAMD
  • Successful Production of the 2018 Annual Report for the OHCSF
  • Provision of Internet Services for Library Users
  • Binding of Backlog of National Dailies from 2013- March 2018 by a Professional Binder, to preserve the documents for research purposes
  • Updating the Library’s collection of Government Gazettes from 2009-2018